Thursday, 4 February 2010

Love Hearts

I’ve been making a series of hearts for a few months now. The starting point was coming across Percy Bysshe Shelley’s quote ‘Soul meets soul on lovers’ lips’. Once I found one beautiful saying I found others and the hearts followed. It gave me the perfect opportunity to incorporate writing into my work. See if you can find the quotes entwined in the hearts!

Now with Valentine’s day fast approaching I am showing them all. Each has been cut in silk paper in a small edition of between 4 – 8. They are a perfect gift and reasonably priced!

Email me if you're interested in any of them.

‘A Kiss makes the Heart Young’ by Rupert Brooke (25x28cm)

‘Soul meets Soul on Lovers’ Lips’ by Percy Bysshe Shelley (25x28cm)

‘Two Hearts Beat as One’ from a song title by U2 (35x28cm)

‘Love is Blind’ from ‘The Merchant of Venice’ by William Shakespeare (25x28cm)

‘Love is Friendship set to music’ from E. Joseph Crossman (30x30cm)

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