Tuesday, 8 June 2010


I grew up next to the ocean with all its moods, textures and colors. I’m sure its restless energy is in all my work somewhere, so I decided to cut a piece about it.

This silk paper cut, called Wave, is the fourth in a series of large circular works. It started from a tiny sketch in my sketchbook and I instantly liked its movement and the flow of the lines.

Here are some pictures of the work in process.

Referencing Japanese wave imagery I created two large drawings (this is the second, more refined one).

Once happy I traced the finished design onto the back of two layers of silk and cut it. Here's the work half cut.

Then I played around with the lighting. Here the work is lit from the front creating shadows.

Here's a detail showing the two layers of silk

I haven’t decided on how or if to colour the piece.

Lit from the back the different layers of silk and the luminescence create interesting effects.

When I’ve decided how to colour, mount and light the work it’ll be exhibited in my upcoming show in September.


Mike Hemsley said...


Jorja said...

Such beauty and "seeing" the movement of the ocean in the meticulously cut silk. I look at your talent as high end earthy art. Now I am a proud owner of Soul meets Soul on Lovers lips and will cherish always. This silk is placed in constant view. Thank you for your friendship with my brother, enabling me to own one of your pieces, and I thank him for loving us so much to bring your art as a gift to us.