Thursday, 16 February 2012

Through Western Eyes

 My current show of paper cuts at Suho Paper Museum in Taipei continues until March 24th. The exhibition is entitled 'Through Western eyes'. As a foreign artist who's lived in Taiwan for 20 years I've become very interested in how my art connects to the culture here both on a conscious and unconscious level. I've appropriated imagery and techniques of traditional paper cutting to create a body of work that will in some way give me a greater sense of my presence in this culture. 

Here are some general views of the show. There are 20 pieces exhibited.

The museum provided a corner where visitors could make their own paper cuts and display them. So far there are more than a hundred made by young and old alike. Fantastic!

Some early examples.

Three of my 'Floating World' series are grouped together creating a visual feast of line, colour and shadow.

'Earthstar' and shadow. Where does the artwork end and the shadow begin?

This is the story of how my character Daniel gets lost in a wild forest. I'll write in more detail about this paper cut in the near future.

More shadows. Look carefully and you'll see Daniel riding a dragon. One of the great things about this museum was that they allowed me to experiment with how the work is displayed, so I could play with light and shadows.

Butterfly flow. A new piece. I love peering through these hanging cuts. It's like peering through into another world. I'll write in more detail about this in the near future too.


Magnetic Island Artist Edward Blum. said...

There is in reactions, interesting and cool, you need another one. Magnificent!

Tomomi Mangino said...

It's nice! I'll go to see your exhibition next weekend from Japan!!

Tony said...

Fame At Last Mr Budden, yet so far to attain it..

Do you know the work of Takashi Sugimoto , a Japanese Interior Designer?


essay services said...

Wow stunning, isn't it? I am not into art but I do admire good work and this is some really good piece of work. Looking forward to such more posts..